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We Can Design It. We Can Build It. We Can Connect It.

Primus offers a unique way to improve the effectiveness of your cold storage warehouse beyond design and construction. Chief Technology Officer John Robba and his team are expert at using industry knowledge and technology to create tools that connect data, improve efficiencies and solve complex business challenges.

We help our customers prevent the mistakes many companies make when purchasing software:

  • Under-utilizing features
  • Missing/skipping/duplicating essential steps
  • Not understanding how softwares can connect, etc.

Software is a big investment; not only is it expensive, there’s often a five-year commitment. Primus can help you maximize your investment. From front-end services to construction close out, our team is truly the no-stone-unturned partner. Our holistic approach determines how each business system affects the others and how to optimize those applications so they share data and improve efficiencies.

Consider the following example:

Kinexo is a premier North American provider of innovative supply chain solutions in North America.

Kinexo installed an ERP solution last year. They knew it had a lot of functionality, but they weren’t maximizing the components. Primus conducted an audit and determined the procurement module was indeed underutilized and it lacked features. John Robba and his team built out a demo tool that would help them be more productive and still connect to their existing system. John presented the tool, and their internal web developer turned it from the demo into a full-fledged application. Primus also identified deals/rebates they weren’t using, additional underutilized pieces and steps they could skip to get the best outcome.

Our knowledge of software development, cold storage, logistics, Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) systems and data management systems helped Kinexo get the most value from their system.

Are you maximizing your internal software systems? Call Primus today to schedule a software audit. 770-928-7120.



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